Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Dissect Health Co-op

We have spoken recently of Health, co-ops "- but what is a" co-op ", anyway?
This acronym stands for Health Insurance "cooperative" and this phrase is that the Americans are accustomed to listen in these days as a legislator in Co-op model the possibility of debate on health reform.

Which is based in S-Minneapolis, Minnesota, is a partner of the health of the nation is the largest co-ops. CEO Mary Brainerd says the simplest of terms of the cooperative health insurance organization, through their members, not for profit, and is aimed at solving health problems for its members. "

In his heart, a co-op is a non-profit, member of Run-insurance system. However, the Health Partners, and on another level, the only maintenance. And even if it began as an insurance system, which for over half a century, is now the Health Partners accept other insurance companies.
Health Partners, which currently has a network of 70 facilities in Minnesota and Wisconsin, and serves more than one million members.

Clinical Health Partners Inverse Grove Heights is similar to the average of the Medical Center - which complements the dental institutions, their own blood, laboratory and pharmacy. In other words, it is difficult or impossible to say that cooperation - op-View simple.

Norman Nistler South St. Paul is a member of more than 25 years, and was unique.

"In television there are now much more co-ops, but I realized that was not co-op," said Nistler, adding that it was satisfied with the interview, she has received.

Darla Andrews, on the other hand, said he knew that by the Co-op is part of a health insurance partner. It is said that, having been a member for 30 years, should not be any other way.
"It gives me the impression of a small village here. And 'more personal attention," Andrews said after a stop in a pharmacy. She said that health itself promotes character Partners - electronic health records. Health Partners was a pioneer in the field of digital preservation of documents, which are regularly since 2004 or so. More than management, the costs are half those of the average for private insurance.

The company is fully Board of Directors, members of Health Partners. CEO says Brainered is that society itself, its shareholders, he is able to reduce costs.

"This means that the fidelity and responsibility for membership and clients," says Brainerd. 'It is necessary to ensure health care affordable is a huge problem for the Co-op. With a management fee - which did not value our membership vs high management fees, so it is important to define in dollars for health care, not administration. "

Health Partners also saved millions of dollars, changing the generic.

Brainerd, said another feature of this model is the "long term", the ability of the Health Partners, a greater emphasis on preventive medicine.

"We're on quality, [that] is where my family and me, if I am a member of our healthcare system."

As part of the merger on the long term, the Health Partners' physicians for their clients to stop smoking - and the reduction of tobacco consumption among members of two Minnesota state average.

But we have to shade - and are now, right? Brainerd said he thinks it is because not all states are ready for such a system only.

"The environment is carefully co-ops. It 'was very hot with a public, for-profit health plan," says Brainerd. "This is where the action".

The current debate on reform of the health sector, this could change if a better future and Co-ops

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Simple Weight Loss Exercises

The reason for search of weight loss exercises by many dieters is for health and self-esteem. Exercises help in burning calories, muscle building and weight management. Too hard exercises and doing too much of exercises can result in serious injuries, burnt out and also may lead to frustration. When doing weight loss exercises start slowly and increase intensity gradually.

Exercises which are easily welcomed by every aspiring weight loss person :

Walking - the easier exercise where there is no time commitment or specific requirement is needed. Walk for a minimum of 40 minutes for four days in a week and you will see the difference it makes, by yourself. Health benefits of walking are it reduces the risk of life-threatening maladies like diabetes, heart diseases and high blood pressure.

Swimming - Start slowly and focus on a few strokes. Practice for 25 minutes for three days in a week and it takes away a few pounds lightly.

Water aerobics - If you don’t know swimming, then you can easily practice water aerobics. It is the best method of weight loss exercise as it has less impact with aerobics in it and creates resistance on all moves.

Running helps in burning more calories in lesser time comparatively than any other weight loss exercise.

Running and walking both produce endorphins and brain chemicals, which gives you happiness and confidence. The energy burnt during these depends totally on your speed, weight of your body and experience.

For people in need of weight loss exercises they actually want to fit in a program on their busy schedules. The challenge for you is to balance your family demands, career, relationships, commitments and organizational responsibilities. The following important keys will help you to balance your lifestyle and your weight loss exercise program together.

Be Committed for a regular schedule of exercises at least three days in a week and you have to take time for it on your “to do” lists. If you want to succeed then you have to plan ahead.

Utilize your weekends to work out producing effective results. The benefit, which you will get out of this, is the flexibility and control of the weight loss exercise program.

You should give high priority for your weight loss exercise program and rescheduling has to be done only for important emergencies.

Encourage others to participate in your weight loss exercise programs and this will motivate you to work out with commitment. Make your dear ones aware of your weight loss commitment and ask for their support.

If things are not working the way as you have expected because of external influence, don’t be tough on you and get de-motivated.

For women, excess weight may be due to genetic factors and environmental factors and women have to understand that quick weight loss will not bring them result for long-term. A woman has to compulsorily drink at least one glass of juice before exercise during morning exercises. Spot exercises will not bring women desired result of burning fat on the desired area. Aerobic weight loss exercises and activities are suitable for women, which include jogging, cycling, skating, brisk walking and doing exercises with aerobic equipments.

Whatever goals you have, either weight loss or fitness, if you are continuously practicing your weight loss exercise program, then your success towards the goal is not far-off.

Article Source:

Cheap Weight Loss Methods

Weight loss is referred as the reduction of total body mass to improvise fitness, health, and overall personality. People spend around $30 billion every year on weight loss programs, diet food and drinks .If you are a person in maintaining good physical well-being and also want to prevent diseases, it is essential that you have a healthy body with proportionate weight.

A food combination in a proper way helps you in preventing weight gain and also promotes weight loss. Planning for meals with right food combinations results in healthier body and good lifestyle. If your weight is constant, then the amount of calorie consumed is burnt on the same day. But if you are gaining weight slowly, then it means that your calorie intake has increased. The amount of food consumed is in our control so do the calories in our control. Burning of calories on a day depends on Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) and physical activity level.

If you are burning fewer calories than what you eat then the extra calories available will be stored in your body as fat. Over weight and obesity increases the risk of high blood pressure, diabetes, increase of cholesterol level in blood, cardiac diseases and certain type of cancer. Balanced diet and exercise play as key factors in weight loss and fat reduction.

Many people who have lost weight have reported that weight loss increased their mood, self-esteem, motivation and healthy feeling. If you are interested to lose your weight successfully, then the below mentioned tips about weight loss will be of great help to you.

The desire for weight loss should come from you and practice a system that is suitable for you.
If you plan to lose weight for change in life style or to please somebody then it may not work out. It’s not advisable to follow other persons diet and plan of exercise, as it will not get along with your habits and lifestyle.

Stop blaming yourself for not being successful and accept that your choice is poor. Failure at one trial doesn’t mean that you can give up. Weight loss does not mean making perfect choices at all time but to attempt good choices than poor choices.

Try to avoid the surroundings, which influence you to overeat like coffee breaks or parties. Plan for distractions or plan ahead for other activities and stick according to it.

Make yourself comfortable with supporting people around you who encourage your efforts. Even best friends can sabotage your weight loss schedule. It will be easy for you if you spend your time with people who understand your efforts and not pressurizing you on food choices.

You can reward yourself with any non-food and selfish rewards when you achieve interim goals like a book or beach holiday.

Stock your refrigerator with plenty of healthy foods like popcorn, cheese with low fat, fruits, yogurt, etc so that many options are available when you are in need of a snack. Don’t forget to dispose high-calorie and low-nutrition munchies like candy and chips.

Start with small goals and try to focus on them and then aim for big goals. Set time frame for your efforts like a week or fortnight rather than aiming to total weight loss which you have desired. So the goal of weight loss if turned successful will make you happy with your desired size and shape.

Article Source:

Easy-to-Follow Steps to Reduce Weight after Pregnancy

As a new mother you will be facing two types of weight loss problems. First one is during pregnancy and the other one is post pregnancy.

Normally during pregnancy, you should gain five pounds weight by completion of three months. But, most women don’t gain weight because of nausea. But, there is nothing to worry about this. Despite the weight loss, your baby will be doing well. When you are eating balanced diet along with all food types in needed quantity then both you and your baby will be fine. Remember weight gain is just an indicator for nutrition and an ultrasound will show your baby growth.

Weight control is the common concern for all women after delivery and after pregnancy most women find difficulty in losing weight. A pregnancy weight loss program helps not only in bringing your body shape back but increases your metabolism. It also reduces the risk like postpartum depression. You have to understand that you did not gain weight over night and losing it will also need time.

A few tips for you to weight loss that will bring you back to shape :

Eat food which are rich in nutrients but avoid oily foods, cheese and milk. Diet should always include fruits, grains, beans, pastas and lot of vegetables. Plenty of water to be consumed and avoid cool drinks, juices and soda. Some outdoor activity is a must like walking, jogging etc. Avoid eating red meat and salads with laden dressing. Practice of yoga and a little formal stretching should be continued regularly. Avoid starving or fasting for quick results, as this action will guarantee to make you unhealthy. Resist your urge for a fast food meal and also don’t fool yourself by buying food labeled as non-fat. Breast feeding burns five hundred calories per day and reduces your fat

Nothing is wrong with you if you are losing your weight gradually and your pregnancy weight loss rate depends on several factors. If there are any complications for you during pregnancy it will make you feel weak and your mobility is disturbed. Diseases related to thyroid gland postpartum inflammation would result in excess weight gain. Your weight loss process will get held up if there is a lack in regular exercise pattern.

A best method for pregnancy weight loss is getting a dietician consultation. Your dietician will review key issues related to your lifestyle like food preferences,
pregnancy complications etc. If you want optimum result in pregnancy weight loss then you should strictly follow your dietician plan and do your regular exercises. As we are humans, how faster we lose weight that faster we will gain it back. But balanced pregnancy weight loss always stays off. Whatever dieting you do, your body metabolism increase depends on exercise. Women like you aiming for pregnancy weight loss, have to concentrate on diet plan and also exercise.

There are experts cautions that you have to concentrate for better results. At least for a period of eight weeks you should not put heavy stress on your joints like fast jogging, running and jumping. Putting stress on these joints will end you up for serious injury for months together. Whatever exercise you do close attention is required for warning signs like excessive bleeding, pain in the abdomen, breathlessness, exhaustion and muscle soreness.

Article Source:

Easy-to-Follow Steps to Reduce Weight after Pregnancy

As a new mother you will be facing two types of weight loss problems. First one is during pregnancy and the other one is post pregnancy.

Normally during pregnancy, you should gain five pounds weight by completion of three months. But, most women don’t gain weight because of nausea. But, there is nothing to worry about this. Despite the weight loss, your baby will be doing well. When you are eating balanced diet along with all food types in needed quantity then both you and your baby will be fine. Remember weight gain is just an indicator for nutrition and an ultrasound will show your baby growth.

Weight control is the common concern for all women after delivery and after pregnancy most women find difficulty in losing weight. A pregnancy weight loss program helps not only in bringing your body shape back but increases your metabolism. It also reduces the risk like postpartum depression. You have to understand that you did not gain weight over night and losing it will also need time.

A few tips for you to weight loss that will bring you back to shape :

Eat food which are rich in nutrients but avoid oily foods, cheese and milk. Diet should always include fruits, grains, beans, pastas and lot of vegetables. Plenty of water to be consumed and avoid cool drinks, juices and soda. Some outdoor activity is a must like walking, jogging etc. Avoid eating red meat and salads with laden dressing. Practice of yoga and a little formal stretching should be continued regularly. Avoid starving or fasting for quick results, as this action will guarantee to make you unhealthy. Resist your urge for a fast food meal and also don’t fool yourself by buying food labeled as non-fat. Breast feeding burns five hundred calories per day and reduces your fat

Nothing is wrong with you if you are losing your weight gradually and your pregnancy weight loss rate depends on several factors. If there are any complications for you during pregnancy it will make you feel weak and your mobility is disturbed. Diseases related to thyroid gland postpartum inflammation would result in excess weight gain. Your weight loss process will get held up if there is a lack in regular exercise pattern.

A best method for pregnancy weight loss is getting a dietician consultation. Your dietician will review key issues related to your lifestyle like food preferences,
pregnancy complications etc. If you want optimum result in pregnancy weight loss then you should strictly follow your dietician plan and do your regular exercises. As we are humans, how faster we lose weight that faster we will gain it back. But balanced pregnancy weight loss always stays off. Whatever dieting you do, your body metabolism increase depends on exercise. Women like you aiming for pregnancy weight loss, have to concentrate on diet plan and also exercise.

There are experts cautions that you have to concentrate for better results. At least for a period of eight weeks you should not put heavy stress on your joints like fast jogging, running and jumping. Putting stress on these joints will end you up for serious injury for months together. Whatever exercise you do close attention is required for warning signs like excessive bleeding, pain in the abdomen, breathlessness, exhaustion and muscle soreness.

Article Source:

Monday, April 13, 2009

Diet Helps You Lower Your Blood Pressure

People who suffer from high blood pressure should have a healthy diet which can help them lower blood pressure and neutralize the effects of hypertension on their body.

The diet involves reducing the salt consume and also eating more fruits, vegetables and non fat or low-fat dairy products, according to a declaration from the American Heart Association (AHA),which affirms that all these elements are important for the persons who need to lower blood pressure.

According to statistics, one in four American adults has hypertension, which means that these people need to quickly lower blood pressure in order to decrease the risk of stroke, heart attack and kidney failure.

This would be the first time when the AHA’s Nutrition Committee advises individuals who need to lower blood pressure to add fruits, vegetables and low-fat or nonfat dairy products to a reduced-salt diet.

The Nutrition Committee also counsels the patients who need to lower blood pressure to consume food rich in potassium, calcium and magnesium and low in saturated fat, total fat, cholesterol and sodium.

The committee affirms that a salt restricted diet rich in fruits, vegetables and nonfat or low-fat dairy products is the most appropriate to lower blood pressure.

The AHA’s Committee approximates that even a small reduction of two points in diastolic blood pressure could lower a person’s stroke risk by 15% and lower heart disease risk by 6%, so it’s essential to lower blood pressure.

Dr. Kotchen, author of the report, recommends to the persons who need to lower blood pressure to eat more fruits, vegetables and diary products, which are high in electrolytes and naturally occurring minerals. Studies have evidenced that persons eating foods rich in potassium, such as bananas, dates, potatoes, and raisins tend to have lower blood pressure.

For those who need to lower blood pressure, the committee recommends to limit their salt consumption even more as recommended by their doctor.

One of the important recommendations of the committee for the persons who need to lower blood pressure is to manage their weight. Also, those who need to lower blood pressure must avoid having more than two alcoholic drinks per day.

About the author:

This medical article is written by Grojan Fabiola during one research session on lowering blood pressure in a natural way, that will be using yoga. So, if you want to find out more about how to lower blood pressure, especially in a natural way, please click this link.

Women's Sex Drive - Boost it Naturally and Quickly!

Many women lose their sex drive, but the good news is they can recover their sexual desire quickly and enjoy increased libido and satisfaction by taking some time tested herbs which we will look at in this article...

Before we look at our proven herbal libido enhancers, let's look quickly at the problems that cause women to suffer from low libido. All women need two key hormones for peak sexual health and there, testosterone and estrogen. If the body does not generate enough of either hormone, libido falls and sex can become painful.

The basic foundation of any women's sex drive is strong blood circulation. As soon as a women becomes aroused sexually, an increased volume of blood must be pumped to the sex organs, enter them and swell them in size; if this does not occur, sexual satisfaction and libido will fall.

In women the role of the mind is more important than in men and stress, worry, anxiety and hormonal changes that occur in a women's life will cause libido problems. To enjoy a high libido, the mind must be free of worry, stress and anxiety and have correct hormonal balance.

All the above problems can be solved, by taking the right nutrients and the herbs below, have been proven to increase sex drive and improve overall health.


Ginger has a reputation for increasing blood flow to all areas of the body and the herb is also an excellent heart tonic.

Avena Sativa

Avena Sativa is an excellent herb for sexual health which increases testosterone levels and also helps the
body relax which enhances sensitivity in the vagina.

Dong Quai

This herb increases estrogen levels, improves blood circulation around the body and to the sex organs, balances blood sugar levels and is full of nutrients which improve sexual health and overall levels of wellness. The herb is well known for its ability to combat symptoms of the menopause and PMT and is seen by many as the ultimate women's herb for better health.

Kumari (Aloe)

As a food supplement, aloe helps to improve digestion, aids blood and lymphatic circulation, and improves kidney, liver and gall bladder efficiency.

Methika Extract
Methika contains estrogen-like saponins which help to reduce total cholesterol, LDL and triglycerides levels naturally.

Ashwagandha - Extract "Indian Ginseng"

Ashwagandha is seen as one of the best tonic herbs, it energizes and rejuvenates the body and mind, balances women's hormone levels, helps to minimize the effects of stress, improves mood and promotes overall sexual and reproductive balance.

Ginkgo Biloba

Ginkgo enhances blood flow to the brain and throughout the body, it also has a host of other benefits which include, increasing metabolism efficiency, regulating the body's neurotransmitters, decreasing stress levels and increasing overall body energy.

Get them ALL for Better Health

The herbs above will not just increase your sex drive, they will also increase your overall levels of wellness, so you get more from life as well as sex.

About the author:

For more information on the Best Women's Sex Pills with the best female libido enhancers and comprehensive info on everything to do with Best Natural Women's Sex Pills visit our website.

Vibration Training For A Healthy, Stress Free Workout

Vibration training is a new concept in the US exercise and workout culture, though it has been well established in Europe for many years. There are many reasons for the popularity of vibration training exercise. First is the effectiveness of vibration platforms - a 15-minute workout on a vibration machine is equivalent to two hours of gym workout. Vibration training exercise is a complete body workout; all muscles of the body are exercised, unlike traditional gym training where only a few muscles can be worked on at a time.

Vibration platforms are the latest in a long line of training equipment designed to build a healthy body. These machines were first developed by Soviet space researchers in the Cold War era to make the bones of cosmonauts stronger and more resistant to the rapid bone loss experienced in outer space. Once a tightly guarded secret, today vibration platforms have caught on with ordinary people across the world.

Buy The Proper Machine
Before you can begin to reap the benefits of vibration training exercise, you need to invest in proper equipment. This means you will have to purchase the right training equipment, including a vibration platform. Vibration platforms range in cost from a few thousand dollars to $20,000, depending on size, features, and manufacturer. Look for ISO 9001:2000 certified products; they have been rated for safety and performance. Many manufacturers also sell vibration platforms certified by other agencies, mainly in Europe. Good equipment functionality is important for healthy and safe workouts.

Learn Proper Use
Buying a machine is just the first step to achieving your dream physique. You need to learn a proper vibration training exercise regimen. Too much vibration training exercise, like any workout, can backfire and lead to health problems and injuries. Too little of it is not effective. Maintaining a poor posture during exercise can harm you in the long run. There are courses in vibration training that allow the learner to download all information from the internet and learn through interactive multimedia and graphics.

Vibration training exercise, with its revolutionary new concept of exercising muscles and strengthening bones without tiring the body, is the workout regimen of the future.

About the author:
Myself Webmaster of - a source of fitness equipments.We offer Discount Fitness Equipment , vibration workout guide, Discount Exercise Equipment and more for fitness enthusiasts.

Nordic Track Elliptical

The Nordic Track is one of the most effective, high quality workout machines available today. The machines are also relatively inexpensive for a machine that utilizes your whole body resulting in a more toned and tight physique in a matter of weeks.

How It Works

The Nordic Track is based on the same principle as the ski machine but developed for a more intensive workout routine. You use both your legs and arms when you work out with the Nordic Track Elliptical trainer so that you easily become more toned in a short period of time.

There are some restrictions that you should seriously consider. The Elliptical trainer is best for those who have no prior medical conditions and for those who weigh less than three hundred pounds. The machine will work for just about anyone else even if you only have a few minutes a day to dedicate to your workout schedule.


The Nordic Track trainer is equipped to receive periodic routines which will cost extra. These extra routines can add some variety to your normal exercise routines giving you the motivation to work out on a regular basis.

You will also receive standard features as well. For example, the Nordic Track is equipped with an MP3 port so that you can play your favorite songs while you exercise an adjustable incline for the right intensity workout and adjustable resistance.

Another great feature of the Nordic Track Elliptical is the carb burner display which tells you exactly how many carbs you burn during your workout. The machine is made from high-quality steel so it will last for as long as you need.


There are several models of the Elliptical trainer available and the price will vary depending on the model you choose. The average price is about $1,000 although you may be able to find one at a reduced cost when on sale. Online vendors are often a good choice when you want the best price since the models are sold directly from the manufacturer at rock-bottom prices.

Ordering Your Nordic Track Elliptical

If you want to order your Nordic Track Elliptical online to save money but want to make sure that you have the right machine for yourself then you can always try one out at a local store. The Nordic Track Elliptical is widely available but you will want to find a reputable dealer before you order one.
Ordering from a reputable online dealer is a great option when you want to save money and time. You will want to find the exact model you want before you order and have a good idea of which features you want included. The Nordic Track trainer has been updated several times and each model has some distinct advantages.

About the author:
Nordic Track Walkfit is especially designed to help people get into shape the "quiet" way and you won't disturb other people inside your house while you're exercising. You can check out some models and tips for buying this machines at

Friday, January 16, 2009

If You Want To Quit Smoking, Hypnosis Is The Healthiest Method

By Joanne Fallwater

Are you concerned about your health? If you want to quit smoking, hypnosis is the healthiest method. Just think about it for a minute. A quit smoking hypnosis program will teach your healthy habits that you can use for life. But quit smoking drugs have potentially dangerous side effects.

But just as dangerous can side effects be? After all, a lot of the drugs have to be prescribed by a doctor. Doesn't a doctor's supervision automatically make taking drugs to quit smoking safe? And aren't they worth it if the end result is that you don't smoke anymore?

First, you have to understand that all drugs have side effects. And some of them are more serious than others. You're already addicted to nicotine, which is a heavy-duty poison. Did you know nicotine has been used for centuries as an insecticide to kill insects?

Well, when you use a nicotine patch or nasal sprays that are compounded with nicotine, you're still delivering that poison into your system. True, you're getting doses small enough that they won't kill you as long as you follow the directions carefully.

But a long-time smoking habit isn't just about the physical addiction to nicotine. People who have smoked for a number of years to develop "smoking rituals". Those are the small actions that get repeated every time you smoke.

They are small things, like the way you hold your hand when you smoke your cigarette. Do you hold your cigarette between your index and middle fingers? Or do you like to hold it between your thumb and index finger?

You keep your lighter in your pants pocket? How many times a day do you reach for your lighter? Do you think it's a coincidence that when you reach for your keys in your pocket, you suddenly crave a cigarette?

It's no coincidence. Putting your hand in your pocket has become part of a "smoking ritual" that triggers your urge to smoke. Even if you just finished smoking a cigarette a few minutes ago, when you put your hand in your pocket again, you'll think about having a cigarette.

That's where the nicotine replacement drugs, like the patch and the nasal sprays and inhalers, can become dangerous. They take care of the physical cravings, but they don't address the smoking rituals. So a lot of people end up using the quit smoking drugs, smoking their cigarettes or cigars on top of it.

That puts them in danger of having a nicotine overdose. Just because you don't drop dead on the spot from smoking a cigarette or cigar, doesn't mean that you can't overdose on nicotine. You can. Not only can an overdose of nicotine make you violently ill, it can kill you on the spot. Like a dead bug hit with insecticide.

And what about the quit smoking pills? You can't get them without a prescription, so you would think that they would be safe. Unfortunately, that's not the case. Even under a doctor's supervision, some of the drugs themselves are just not safe.

If you take the time to read the list of potential side effects that these drugs can cause, it will make you think twice about taking them. You want to quit smoking because you want to be healthy. But do you really want to risk damage to your heart, liver, kidney and other internal organs while you're in the process of quitting smoking?

There are other safer methods to quit smoking that don't have any kind of physical health risk at all. No, you don't have to quit smoking cold turkey. Hypnosis has the best long-term success rate of any of the methods that people use to quit smoking. And the side effects of using hypnosis, long term are actually good for you.

A good hypnosis program will give you tools to help ease the nicotine cravings. You'll also learn ways to deactivate those "smoking ritual" triggers. And that's really important for long-term success.

About the Author

To learn more about how to Quit Smoking using Hypnosis, visit - for tips, real life experiences, and recommendations on how to quit the habit, using hypnosis.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Healthy Solutions for a New Year

by Ines Clark

Many of us start the New Year with reflections on the past and how to improve our lives in the year to follow. Although, resolutions often don't work, this time of quiet reflection gives us the opportunity to focus on the important things we want to achieve in our lives. For me, it is a little letter that will remind me throughout the year of what I want to put my focus and energy on. On top of this list is always HEALTH, followed by my intentions of how to remain fit. My first indicator of being healthy is feeling good - physically, emotionally and spiritually. So I put all the things on paper that make me feel GOOD. If you are stuck in a pattern or if you are looking for some inspirational thoughts on how to boost your wellbeing, here are a few good ideas on how to get started.

Physical Health: Staying active: Activities in nature are proven to increase our health. Hiking, biking, walking, gardening and other outdoor sports are great ways to bring your body in shape and are fun! Experiencing the change of seasons can bring great joy. Make time every day to get yourself out there and feel the earth under your feet!

Eating healthy: When I was in my 20's, I always was sick. I didn't exercise and had unhealthy eating patterns. One day I decided to stop eating meat just to see if it makes any difference. Additionally, I made wholesome food choices. My health increased within a few months. Well, after 15 years I still have a meatless diet and feel much better than 20 years ago. I remember the liberating freedom of feeling free of pain and discomfort.

Although a vegetarian diet is not everyone's calling, it definitely can boost your physical wellbeing along with other changes in diet such as decreasing sugar and salt intake, replacing empty carbohydrates with whole grain products, switching from fatty fast foods to fresh made meals along with plenty of fruits and vegetables, as well as plenty of water.

Emotional Health Focus on positive thoughts, people, places and things. Spending our waking (and often sleeping) hours thinking of the burdens we carry in life will not allow us to feel good about ourselves. Try this experience: Notice how you feel when you think about a quarrel you had with your partner or friend. Now focus your thoughts on forgiveness and restoration of the relationship. Feel the difference?

Laugh plenty and don't take yourself so serious all the time. Go and play with children. They are amazingly in the present moment and can teach us immeasurable lessons. And they make us smile! Love yourself. Most of us are too hard on ourselves. Learn forgiveness and start with the person you are with all the! Become clear about what you want from life and start focusing on these things. Most likely, doors will open with new opportunities you didn't even know existed.

Spiritual Health Quiet reflections or meditation can change our physical and mental health. If you set aside a time every day to be in solitude, to look inward and stop the busy mind you will find yourself experiencing life through different eyes. When I meditate regularly, I experience a higher level of clarity, concentration, patience and peace. It just feels good. My husband and son appreciate it also.:)

In that sense, may 2009 bring you Health, Peace, Happiness and Prosperity! Ines Clark

About the Author

Ines Clark is the owner of, a collection of online vendors that commit to natural, organic and healthy products as well as inspirational resources for a higher living. She has a degree in Physical Therapy, is a stay-at-home mom and has made meditation and healthy choices a point in her life. She can be reached at