Friday, January 16, 2009

If You Want To Quit Smoking, Hypnosis Is The Healthiest Method

By Joanne Fallwater

Are you concerned about your health? If you want to quit smoking, hypnosis is the healthiest method. Just think about it for a minute. A quit smoking hypnosis program will teach your healthy habits that you can use for life. But quit smoking drugs have potentially dangerous side effects.

But just as dangerous can side effects be? After all, a lot of the drugs have to be prescribed by a doctor. Doesn't a doctor's supervision automatically make taking drugs to quit smoking safe? And aren't they worth it if the end result is that you don't smoke anymore?

First, you have to understand that all drugs have side effects. And some of them are more serious than others. You're already addicted to nicotine, which is a heavy-duty poison. Did you know nicotine has been used for centuries as an insecticide to kill insects?

Well, when you use a nicotine patch or nasal sprays that are compounded with nicotine, you're still delivering that poison into your system. True, you're getting doses small enough that they won't kill you as long as you follow the directions carefully.

But a long-time smoking habit isn't just about the physical addiction to nicotine. People who have smoked for a number of years to develop "smoking rituals". Those are the small actions that get repeated every time you smoke.

They are small things, like the way you hold your hand when you smoke your cigarette. Do you hold your cigarette between your index and middle fingers? Or do you like to hold it between your thumb and index finger?

You keep your lighter in your pants pocket? How many times a day do you reach for your lighter? Do you think it's a coincidence that when you reach for your keys in your pocket, you suddenly crave a cigarette?

It's no coincidence. Putting your hand in your pocket has become part of a "smoking ritual" that triggers your urge to smoke. Even if you just finished smoking a cigarette a few minutes ago, when you put your hand in your pocket again, you'll think about having a cigarette.

That's where the nicotine replacement drugs, like the patch and the nasal sprays and inhalers, can become dangerous. They take care of the physical cravings, but they don't address the smoking rituals. So a lot of people end up using the quit smoking drugs, smoking their cigarettes or cigars on top of it.

That puts them in danger of having a nicotine overdose. Just because you don't drop dead on the spot from smoking a cigarette or cigar, doesn't mean that you can't overdose on nicotine. You can. Not only can an overdose of nicotine make you violently ill, it can kill you on the spot. Like a dead bug hit with insecticide.

And what about the quit smoking pills? You can't get them without a prescription, so you would think that they would be safe. Unfortunately, that's not the case. Even under a doctor's supervision, some of the drugs themselves are just not safe.

If you take the time to read the list of potential side effects that these drugs can cause, it will make you think twice about taking them. You want to quit smoking because you want to be healthy. But do you really want to risk damage to your heart, liver, kidney and other internal organs while you're in the process of quitting smoking?

There are other safer methods to quit smoking that don't have any kind of physical health risk at all. No, you don't have to quit smoking cold turkey. Hypnosis has the best long-term success rate of any of the methods that people use to quit smoking. And the side effects of using hypnosis, long term are actually good for you.

A good hypnosis program will give you tools to help ease the nicotine cravings. You'll also learn ways to deactivate those "smoking ritual" triggers. And that's really important for long-term success.

About the Author

To learn more about how to Quit Smoking using Hypnosis, visit - for tips, real life experiences, and recommendations on how to quit the habit, using hypnosis.

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