Monday, April 13, 2009

Vibration Training For A Healthy, Stress Free Workout

Vibration training is a new concept in the US exercise and workout culture, though it has been well established in Europe for many years. There are many reasons for the popularity of vibration training exercise. First is the effectiveness of vibration platforms - a 15-minute workout on a vibration machine is equivalent to two hours of gym workout. Vibration training exercise is a complete body workout; all muscles of the body are exercised, unlike traditional gym training where only a few muscles can be worked on at a time.

Vibration platforms are the latest in a long line of training equipment designed to build a healthy body. These machines were first developed by Soviet space researchers in the Cold War era to make the bones of cosmonauts stronger and more resistant to the rapid bone loss experienced in outer space. Once a tightly guarded secret, today vibration platforms have caught on with ordinary people across the world.

Buy The Proper Machine
Before you can begin to reap the benefits of vibration training exercise, you need to invest in proper equipment. This means you will have to purchase the right training equipment, including a vibration platform. Vibration platforms range in cost from a few thousand dollars to $20,000, depending on size, features, and manufacturer. Look for ISO 9001:2000 certified products; they have been rated for safety and performance. Many manufacturers also sell vibration platforms certified by other agencies, mainly in Europe. Good equipment functionality is important for healthy and safe workouts.

Learn Proper Use
Buying a machine is just the first step to achieving your dream physique. You need to learn a proper vibration training exercise regimen. Too much vibration training exercise, like any workout, can backfire and lead to health problems and injuries. Too little of it is not effective. Maintaining a poor posture during exercise can harm you in the long run. There are courses in vibration training that allow the learner to download all information from the internet and learn through interactive multimedia and graphics.

Vibration training exercise, with its revolutionary new concept of exercising muscles and strengthening bones without tiring the body, is the workout regimen of the future.

About the author:
Myself Webmaster of - a source of fitness equipments.We offer Discount Fitness Equipment , vibration workout guide, Discount Exercise Equipment and more for fitness enthusiasts.

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