We have spoken recently of Health, co-ops "- but what is a" co-op ", anyway?
This acronym stands for Health Insurance "cooperative" and this phrase is that the Americans are accustomed to listen in these days as a legislator in Co-op model the possibility of debate on health reform.
Which is based in S-Minneapolis, Minnesota, is a partner of the health of the nation is the largest co-ops. CEO Mary Brainerd says the simplest of terms of the cooperative health insurance organization, through their members, not for profit, and is aimed at solving health problems for its members. "
In his heart, a co-op is a non-profit, member of Run-insurance system. However, the Health Partners, and on another level, the only maintenance. And even if it began as an insurance system, which for over half a century, is now the Health Partners accept other insurance companies.
Health Partners, which currently has a network of 70 facilities in Minnesota and Wisconsin, and serves more than one million members.
Clinical Health Partners Inverse Grove Heights is similar to the average of the Medical Center - which complements the dental institutions, their own blood, laboratory and pharmacy. In other words, it is difficult or impossible to say that cooperation - op-View simple.
Norman Nistler South St. Paul is a member of more than 25 years, and was unique.
"In television there are now much more co-ops, but I realized that was not co-op," said Nistler, adding that it was satisfied with the interview, she has received.
Darla Andrews, on the other hand, said he knew that by the Co-op is part of a health insurance partner. It is said that, having been a member for 30 years, should not be any other way.
"It gives me the impression of a small village here. And 'more personal attention," Andrews said after a stop in a pharmacy. She said that health itself promotes character Partners - electronic health records. Health Partners was a pioneer in the field of digital preservation of documents, which are regularly since 2004 or so. More than management, the costs are half those of the average for private insurance.
The company is fully Board of Directors, members of Health Partners. CEO says Brainered is that society itself, its shareholders, he is able to reduce costs.
"This means that the fidelity and responsibility for membership and clients," says Brainerd. 'It is necessary to ensure health care affordable is a huge problem for the Co-op. With a management fee - which did not value our membership vs high management fees, so it is important to define in dollars for health care, not administration. "
Health Partners also saved millions of dollars, changing the generic.
Brainerd, said another feature of this model is the "long term", the ability of the Health Partners, a greater emphasis on preventive medicine.
"We're on quality, [that] is where my family and me, if I am a member of our healthcare system."
As part of the merger on the long term, the Health Partners' physicians for their clients to stop smoking - and the reduction of tobacco consumption among members of two Minnesota state average.
But we have to shade - and are now, right? Brainerd said he thinks it is because not all states are ready for such a system only.
"The environment is carefully co-ops. It 'was very hot with a public, for-profit health plan," says Brainerd. "This is where the action".
The current debate on reform of the health sector, this could change if a better future and Co-ops